Saturday, August 30, 2008

Work-Life Balance

How is Life different from Work if both are mixed together and u get to do it your way?
General items under the Life category:

  1. Spending time with family/friends
  2. watching movies/reading books
  3. traveling/holiday for more than 3 days in 6 months
  4. lounging around the house, doing “nothing”
  5. watch grass grow
  6. listen to favourite music loudly for hours

I'm sure there is a million things that come under that category and some people will have things like knitting or cleaning up or retail therapy (me) on the list!

Lets talk about Work. Everyone works. So whats so great about it?
Only thing is that it pays your bills and makes for all the things that you want to do in Life.
Sadly, its a vicious cycle. I gave away about 14 pairs of sandals and shoes that I wasnt going to wear anymore. When i added up the value of all them it came to about 10k. Thats all it would take to educate a needy child for a year. What a waste. I feel like a fool. I've been earning all this money and putting it to no good use.
If Work was realy feeding Life then it should have made my head also stable enough to Share!