Saturday, November 21, 2009

Timelines and Conditions

Project deadlines are fine. You get a project, pick a team, negotiate the document specs, set a reasonable/unreasonable deadline and get on with it. Ofcourse, you cant be jailed if you dont meet the dealine but you may be in someone's bad books. But there is always the next project!

Not so in life it seems.
God Forbid if you don't meet the SOP mentioned below. Then you are either demented, direction less or plain stupid. This is not the end. Each of the points mentioned above come with conditions.

  • You are born
    Everyone wants a perfect being. You must be fair, tall, smart.........basically your personality should be something straight out of the matrimonial section.
  • Go to play school at 3 year
    And you are expected to come out of here smartened and polished (like a circus monkey) to face the Real School interview. By the way your parents are going to pay a premium for the seat whether you "perform" or not.
  • Finish earning sometimes meaningless grades at 18
    Doesnt matter what you think of studies, if you don't score about 90 in each subject you are bound to be a Looser. Incase you want to somehow mug your way through studies there is always extra tuitions and they are supposed to guarantee that you pass atleast.
    Incase you flunk or repeat a class - you are an outcast for life! - without anyone bothering to know exatly why you are weak/uninterested in studies.
  • Pick a profession
    (hopefully the right one) and finish a degree and training between 19 - 25
  • Get married! -
    Isnt this the BIG ONE??! - by 28. Doesnt matter if ur not ready or if ur gay, lesbian, disintersted, living in or just enjoying life.
    Enjoying Life - can mean that ur way beyond kinky!!
  • Have a family at 30
    (read as: have atleast 2 babies by 28 years incase you are a female)
  • Retire at 60 - 65
    play with your grandchildren
Here is the clincher - For the above timelines and conditions you will get truckloads of advise from people who have done all of this in that order and are not happy! and would want you to exactly what they did!

And their explanation is that - Life is short!!