Saturday, March 20, 2010

Generation gap

Zara is now about 3 months old and life is certainly passing by at super speed.

So it set me thinking about generation gap one day. And I was thinking that if I ever said the words "chok chok gadi" Zara would think I'm her great grandmother. So basically I will have to start growing younger as she grows up or else be ready to be treated like a complete duh!!!

I have always imagined myself as a super dudette with regard to fashion, technology, travel etc. I am now getting ready to eat humble pie.

The other night i dream't of Daffy Duck, Daisy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, Porky Pig, Tweety Pie, Tom and Jerry, Shrek, Baloo, Mowgli and Mickey Mouse!......I think i was secretly afraid of not being up to date. So these days I'm hooked on to all things meant for little monsters!!!

Wish me luck please, please, please :-)