Friday, March 26, 2010

Style is all about Attitude

Its very easy to ramble on about one's grandparents but I will try to keep this really short.

My Nani was a complete babe as far as I can remember. She loved cricket and Sachin Tendulkar. And hoped to marry him someday! Here was a lady who would change her clothes every night into another white cotton sari which still smelled of agarbattis after a million washes, comb her hair into a tight plait, wash her face, apply cream on her hands and feet, have her last paan for the day and the go to dreamland. I asked her once why she puts in that much effort just to go to sleep. Her answer was in Bengali and here is the translation "If I die in my sleep atleast I know I'm looking good when I meet your grandfather in heaven"!

When she was in ICU at the age of 83 she asked me cut her hair like Barkha Dutts while she was still strung up on oxygen machines. She said that her hair had become unruly and out of style and very unmanageable. So we did give her a haircut and she passed away 2 days later.

So I guess Style is all about Attitude after all