Friday, June 27, 2008

“Choice” is a nice word

When you are sad you can choose – Happiness. Which doesn’t mean that it’s easy. It’s just a Choice.

Today is a very dear friend’s birthday and this piece is a tribute to her. I have seen her going from being a giggly college kid (she has her serious side) to being a mother of a wonderful intelligent, artistic girl who is growing up too fast. And I’m afraid she’s going to be taller than me in just a couple of years. My friend has made choices, some not so good, some great some just simple. Simple choices are nice. Like the choice to dress better, exercise, chant, be a great mom! They are easy to keep and easy to live with. Her choice is Happiness. Of course her butt needs to be kicked once in a while by yours truly :-)

We have a love-hate relationship. I don’t expect her to do everything I ask her to do but lately she’s picked out the best parts and made it her own and given me more faith in god than I ever I had before. She chose to chant and make a life shift and things just fell into place. She ain’t no saint though! No way in hell.

The choice to be real when everything is forcing you to be someone else and have you think and see things some other way around is stressful. My brain goes on a blinker around such people. It’s not only tiring and its also quite pointless. A point of view is nice but a everyone is entitled to their own. That’s why we’ve been friends for so long. We’ve (unknowingly) chosen to not each other and chosen the best things from each others experiences to make it our own.

So babe! – you have the choice of suffering my company for the rest of you life or ……..actually on this one you don’t have a Choice!