Thursday, July 3, 2008

Last Cigarette

My last cigarette happened last night – just like that. Smoking was making me crazy. If I had any time at all I would light up and the 15 minutes of sucking up nicotine also gives one time to think. And I don’t want to. I’m not treating this as a major life changing event like some of my friends are but I guess when you’ve been killing yourself softly for some years, they are happy with your decision to stay on (healthier?! Not longer please)…..though I must admit it did fill up some empty times for me and I will miss it just for that.

There are just so many times in a day that I’m grateful everything I have. Which doesn’t make me a saint. Just trying to be real. One has to keep reminding themselves that it’s all worth it if it’s been hard earned. We all have more value for the things we struggled for. Anything that came easy went easy as well.

Okay I’m not going to be on this topic after this and no sermons to other smokers about why they should quit. Everyone needs to find their reason.